Sir Junaid Hashmi
About Candidate
Summarized Profile
I am confident & enthusiastic person with the ability to learn and adapt quickly to new challenges. Have an organized approach with good communication skills that enables me to work effectively either on my own.
Classes Taught
Fsc/FA/ Classes Class 9th-10th Grade 1-8th Juniore Classes
Subjects taught
English Urdu General Science Pak stuides Commerce.
Tutoring rates
15,000-20,000 per tution.
Time Availability
Evening time 5:30pm - 6:00pm onwards.
Teaching methods
Concept based approach. Daily assesments. Friendly teaching method.
tutor\'s specialty areas
English Pak studies Maths Urdu/Pak studies Commerce/Finance
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Conceptual based.
Suitable Areas
F-5, F-6, F-8, F-10, F-11, G-8, G-9,G-10, G-11, E-11
I studied Ms in management & business studies in 2019 from University of the Punjab. I did my research thesis in Marketing, topic "Impact of consumer behaviour towards Purchase Intention".
I studied BBA Hons. From University of the Punjab in 2017. My main subjects were Accounting & Finance.
I did my Fsc pre engg from Punjab college of science in 2103. My major subjects were Maths, chemistry & physics.
I did my matric from Quaid-i-Azam Public College, Gujranwala in 2011. My main subjects were Biology, chemistry, physics & Maths. The institute was the biggest school in division with having top position holders in BISE Board Gujranwala.
Work & Experience
I worked in allied schools a project of the Punjab group of colleges. There i taught for more than 3 years to junior & senior classes. Now i am doing several tutions.
I worked as an CRO in Punjab group of Colleges. I see after Allied schools, a chain of PGC Group.
I taught to students of class 8th & 10th through platform of lions tutors.