Sobia Khan
About Candidate
Hello, My name is Sobia Khan and i am associated with education sector from last 6 years now.
Summarized Profile
My name is Sobia Khan. I am an enthusiastic teacher assiciated with this profession from last 6 years
Classes Taught
i have majorly taught O level students in schools and private tutions as well. Alongside i have also taught secondary school students with Oxford syllabus. i am also doing tution of a student from last 4 years as she is in 7th grade right now. I am teaching in renowned schools as a visiting faculty.
Subjects taught
O level Islamiat (2058,0493)
O level Pakistan Studies (2059)
All subjects from class 4-8( Oxford syllabus)
Tutoring rates
it depends on class level and subjects so i majorly ask students or parents their affordability.
Time Availability
Evening Timing ( 4pm onwards)
My students get very good grades and can be shown on request.
My regular and both online students get very good results through out. Mostly A*
My A+ Achieving Strategy
Particular in my subjects, i always appreciate and motivate students yo go through syllabus content and along with that tropical and yearly past papers are must.
Teaching methods
student oriented programming and strategy. always motivate my students to participate in class discussions and ask critical questions regarding evry topic especially in Islamiat and History.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Exam preparation, Test preparation and daily topic concerns.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My approach is to meet and set goals for their students and start preparing for them feom day 1. i make sure they get worthy results in future.
Suitable Areas
Home tution: G-13, G-14, Islamabad
Work & Experience
IGCSE teacher of Islamiat
IGCSE TEACHER of Islamiat 2058 and Pakistan Studies 2059