Aqsa Maqaddar Experienced femlae tutor near Ghauri town Tarlai Islamabad
About Candidate
Aqsa Maqaddar Experienced femlae tutor near Ghauri town Tarlai Islamabad
Classes Taught
- FSc
- Class 9-10
- Class 1-8
- PRe o level
- O level
- Montessori
Subjects taught
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Sciences
- English
Tutoring rates
- Affordable
Time Availability
- 3pm onward
- Good results
tutor\'s specialty areas
- Biological Sciences
Suitable Areas
- Islamabad
- Ghauri town phase 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Islamabad
- Tarli
- Khnan Pul
- Fazaia Colony
M. Phil Zoology Women University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Bagh AJK
M.SC Zoology University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad
B.Sc University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad
Intermediate Pre Medical AJKBISE Mirpur
Matric AJKBISE Mirpur , Pakistan
Work & Experience
Biological sciences lecturer Sultana Foundation Colleg lectures. - To conduct assigned classes at the scheduled times. - To demonstrate competence in classroom instruction.
Educate clients regarding the range of applicable investment options available to them - Develop personally tailored investment solutions for clients - Follow through on the investment actions approved by clients
- Handle inquiries and requests from customers and address their needs. - Stay on top of accounts, making sure they receive services that are within their budget and meet their needs. - Meet regularly with other team members to discuss progress and find new ways to improve business