About Candidate
Classes Taught
1st to 8th class students whole subjects
Subjects taught
1st to 8th class whole subjects
Tutoring rates
Depends on subject and students
Time Availability
2PM onwards
I found them by myself and I wasnโt affiliated with any academy so it couldnโt be possible.
Publications, Teaching Skills
tutor\'s specialty areas
I can teach effectively A/O level 1st to 8th class
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Create a friendly environment for a kids so they will put themselves in front of teachers openly and prepare for taking get knowledge. But if a teacher make an environment tense then kids put fear in self and they always try to escape from the class.
Suitable Areas
Islamabad (I10, I9, I8, H8, H9, G11, G10, G9, G8,, F10, F8, F7)
Rawalpindi (Pindora, 6th Road, Satellite Town, Commercial Area, Westridge Area)
Work & Experience
Taught Chemistry and Biology Class 9th
6th Class Kid Whole subjects