About Candidate
Classes Taught
1.English Language and Literature
Class 9th and 10th ( intermediate )
Class 11th and 12th ( HSSC)
2. IELTS ALL Modules
3. Spoken English ( Intermediate to Higher level)
Subjects taught
English Language and Literature
Spoken English
Tutoring rates
Tutoring rates depends upon the nature of subject and tutorship requirements.
Time Availability
Timings of availability
8:30am - 11:30am
8pm - 11:30pm
Teaching methods
Reading and Writing, form of methodologies used are on the bases on reading text and writing prose. Some of the techniques are mentioned below:
*active reading/ detailed reading ect. for reading)
For writing:
* Right use of lexical items
* Cohesive devices
*Developing writing skills (paragraphing, writing accurately)
Speaking and Listening have practical methodologies and the best way for both is more listening and active speaking. That is one to one interaction with the tutor.