Javeriah Sohail
About Candidate
I am a third year undergraduate MBBS student, with 5 years of experience in teaching biology, physics, maths and chemistry of the students of O and A levels of different schools including an international student of Kuwait International School, Kuwait.
Classes Taught
Subjects taught
Tutoring rates
10,000 per month
Time Availability
In between 7pm-11am
She is a very good teacher. I am satisfied with the results
- Yahya Khan father of Umaima Yahya
My child got A in maths. This was a milestone achieved.
- Muhammad Khalid Father of Mudassir khalid
SSC score:95.45%
HSSC score:95.9%
Bachelors: MBBS 3rd year undergraduate
Teaching methods
I use gmeet, pdf editor, MS Excel to teach my students.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Biology,Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Urdu and English mainly.
I do a q/a session with students at the end of my lecture and encourage my students to not to hesitate and ask away their queries. Also, I take tests and short quizzes on regular basis which enhances the student's critical thinking abilities and make the subjects more interesting for them
Suitable Areas
Any area among Pakistan for online teaching via gmeet