Huraira Khan

Home Tutor
December 9, 2001

About Candidate

Classes Taught

9th 10th O Level A Level Fsc

Subjects taught

Biology Chemistry English Urdu Islamiat SST

Tutoring rates

Will be available soon.

Time Availability
  • I conduct classes five evenings per week.

With over a 4 years of instructional experience spanning School and College levels. My tutelage has consistently yielded outstanding academic performance, propelling students to excel in their disciplines and secure coveted admissions to esteemed universities.


Will be available soon.

My A+ Achieving Strategy

Achieving an A+ strategy as an Instructor involves a blend of effective teaching methodologies, engaging lesson plans, supportive resources, and personalized attention to the students. Here's a comprehensive strategy:

Understand the Curriculum:ย Thoroughly understand the curriculum requirements and standards. Break down each topic into its essential components and ensure that teaching methods cover them comprehensively.

Clear Learning Objectives:ย Set clear learning objectives for each lesson. Students should know what they are expected to learn and achieve by the end of the class.

Engaging Lessons:ย Design interactive and engaging lessons. Use a variety of teaching methods including lectures, demonstrations, hands-on experiments, multimedia presentations, and discussions to cater to different learning styles.

Real-World Applications:ย Connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications. Help students understand how physics principles are relevant to their everyday lives and future careers.

Active Learning:ย Encourage active learning by incorporating activities that require students to participate, analyze, and apply their knowledge. Problem-solving exercises, group projects, and debates are effective methods.

Visual Aids and Demonstrations:ย Use visual aids, models, and demonstrations to enhance understanding. Visualizing abstract concepts can greatly aid comprehension.

Encourage Questions:ย Foster a classroom environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their thoughts. Encourage curiosity and critical thinking.

Provide Resources:ย Offer additional resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and supplementary readings to support students' learning outside the classroom.

Regular Assessments:ย Conduct regular assessments to gauge students' understanding and progress. Use a variety of assessment methods including quizzes, tests, projects, and presentations.

Feedback and Support:ย Provide constructive feedback to students on their performance. Offer additional support to students who are struggling and challenge those who excel.

Stay Updated:ย Stay updated with the latest developments in the field of physics and integrate relevant advancements into instructional methods.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods may vary depending on the subject area, students' learning styles, and preferences as an instructor. However, here are some commonly employed effective approaches:

Lecture-Based Teaching:ย Delivering structured lectures to introduce new concepts, theories, and ideas. This can be supplemented with visual aids, presentations, and multimedia resources to enhance understanding.

Discussion-Based Learning:ย Encouraging active participation and critical thinking through class discussions, debates, and group activities. This promotes deeper understanding and application of concepts.

Problem-Based Learning:ย Presenting students with real-world problems relevant to the subject matter. This approach fosters problem-solving skills, teamwork, and application of theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

Flipped Classroom:ย Reversing the traditional classroom model by having students review course materials, videos, or readings before class, and using class time for interactive discussions, activities, and application exercises.

Interactive Demonstrations and Experiments:ย Conducting hands-on experiments, demonstrations, or simulations to illustrate abstract concepts and principles, particularly in subjects like science, mathematics, and technology.

Project-Based Learning:ย Assigning long-term projects that require students to research, analyze, and present findings on a specific topic. This encourages independent inquiry, creativity, and interdisciplinary thinking.

Socratic Method:ย Asking probing questions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage students to arrive at their own conclusions through reasoned dialogue and inquiry.

Use of Technology:ย Integrating educational technology tools such as online resources, interactive simulations, educational apps, and learning management systems to enhance engagement and facilitate personalized learning experiences.

Differentiated Instruction:ย Adapting teaching strategies and materials to accommodate diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests within the classroom.

Assessment for Learning:ย Implementing formative assessment strategies such as quizzes and peer evaluations to monitor student progress, provide timely feedback, and guide instructional decisions.

tutor\'s teaching philosophy.

As an instructor of Physics and Mathematics, the pedagogical approach is grounded in principles aimed at fostering comprehensive comprehension, nurturing critical analytical abilities, and instilling a fervent enthusiasm for academic inquiry. The following tenets encapsulate my teaching philosophy:

Conceptual Emphasis:ย I prioritize the cultivation of a profound conceptual understanding of fundamental principles, eschewing rote memorization in favor of building a sturdy foundation upon which students can construct their knowledge.

Active Learning Pedagogy:ย Recognizing the effectiveness of active learning methodologies, I employ interactive teaching techniques such as collaborative discussions, laboratory experiments, and problem-solving exercises to promote student engagement and facilitate deep cognitive processing.

Tailored Instruction:ย Acknowledging the diverse aptitudes and learning modalities of students, I embrace a personalized instructional approach, adapting my teaching strategies to accommodate individual learning styles and address specific academic needs in both Physics and Mathematics.

Practical Applications:ย I underscore the practical relevance of both Physics and Mathematics by elucidating their myriad real-world applications, thereby fostering a profound appreciation for the utility and significance of these subjects across various domains.

Stimulation of Intellectual Curiosity:ย Central to my teaching philosophy is the cultivation of intellectual curiosity and a passion for scientific and mathematical exploration. I strive to create a stimulating learning environment wherein students are encouraged to pose probing questions, explore novel ideas, and pursue independent lines of investigation.

Confidence Cultivation:ย Recognizing the challenges inherent in mastering complex concepts in both disciplines, I endeavor to nurture students' self-assurance by providing constructive feedback, fostering a supportive learning atmosphere, and instilling a growth-oriented mindset.

Promotion of Self-Reliance:ย My overarching aim is to foster students' autonomy and self-reliance in both Physics and Mathematics, equipping them with the requisite skills, resources, and strategies to engage in self-directed learning and autonomous problem-solving.

Commitment to Ethical and Inclusive Practices:ย Upholding the highest ethical standards, I am unwavering in my commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful learning environment characterized by diversity, equity, and mutual respect within the realms of Physics and Mathematics.

By adhering to these principles, I endeavor to inspire a lifelong passion for learning, empower students to realize their academic potential, and prepare them for success in the fields of Physics and Mathematics and beyond.

Suitable Areas

All locations in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.


BSC in Political Science and Intl. Relations 2020
Univeristy of Sargodha

Work & Experience

Biology Teacher 2020 - 2021
Biology and English Teacher 2022 - 2023
Punjab College Lahore.


Curriculum Development | Grading & Assessment | Classroom Management | Lesson Planning | Organization & Planning | Assessment & Feedback | Technology Integration
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