Iqua Tul Mouqeet
About Candidate
Iqua Tul Mouqeet has completed his intermediate education and is currently pursuing his Chartered Accountant (CA) qualification. While working as a tutor, I’m specialized in various subjects including accounting, economics, and science. My dedication and hard work are reflected in the positive outcomes which I achieved with my students. A notable example of my teaching success is my student Ayesha Ahmad, who recently secured an impressive 1012 marks in her matriculation exams. With my experience and expertise, I specialized in teaching junior classes (5 to 7),Pre 9th – 9th -10th, ICOM, BCOM, O/A level Business Group, O level Islamiat- Urdu-His/Geo- English.I offers home tutoring services in Islamabad, covering various sectors. I’m available to provide comprehensive and effective educational support to students in the Islamabad-Rawalpindi region.
Classes Taught
Classes I taught are:
1- 8th
2- 9th
3- 10th
4- FSc pre- engineering
5- O/Alevel
Subjects taught
Subjects I taught are:
1- Class 8th,9th,10th all subjects
2- FSC pre engineering all subjects
3- Olevels All subjects
4- Alevel Math, Physics, Accounting, Business studies, Economic.
Tutoring rates
My all students rated me 10 out of 10.
Time Availability
Evening time
My previous student was Hira jaleel Ahemd and she go 1040 marks in there Matriculation exam.
Teaching methods
When I'm teaching my students I delivered the best examples from there daily life to build their concepts. Then students easily understand their concepts.
tutor\'s specialty areas
I conduct weekly test form the students which is very helpful to students to remember their course
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
I'm focused on the concepts of the students which is very important for students in their exam.
Suitable Areas
Islamabad :
I8,G6,I10,G11, F9 G13
Faizabad, Shamshabad, Rehmanabad Satellite Town, Chandni Chowk, lalazar, Sadar