About Candidate
I’m a physics and mathematics teacher graduated from international Islamic university Islamabad. I have 3 years of experience in college as a lecturer of physics and maths. And 10 years of home tuition experience of o levels A level Fsc and BSc.
Classes Taught
I'm a physics and mathematics teacher graduated from international Islamic university Islamabad. I have 3 years of experience in college as a lecturer of physics and maths. And 10 years of home tuition experience of o levels A level Fsc and BSc.
Tutoring rates
25k to 30k
Time Availability
3 hours per day
Suitable Areas
Work & Experience
I'm a physics and mathematics teacher graduated from international Islamic university Islamabad. I have 3 years of experience in college as a lecturer of physics and maths. And 10 years of home tuition experience of o levels A level Fsc and BSc.