Kamran Sohbat
About Candidate
Kamran Sohbat
Classes Taught
- A level
- O level
- FSc
- Class 9-10
Subjects taught
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Physics
- English
Tutoring rates
- 25,000 per class
Time Availability
- After 2 pm
- Simran Mansoor: 95.45%
- Zainab Zaheer: 95.45%
- Fizza Butt: 94.55%
- Momina Noor: 94.55%
- Talha Amjad: 91.82%
- Saad Haroon: 91.36%
- Ayesha Zafar: 93.55%
- Simran mansoor 1056/1100
- zainab zaheer 1050/1100
- Fizza Butt 1040/1100
- Momina Noor 1040/1100
- Talha Amjad 1010/1100
- Saad Haroon 1005/1100
- Ayesha Zafar 1029/1100
tutor\'s specialty areas
MAJOR SUBJECTS 1. Biochemsitry 2. Biotechnology. 3. Nutrient management. 4. Genetic Engineering 5. Crop Modeling
Suitable Areas
- Rawalpindi
- Islamabad
- Saddar
- TEnch Bata
- Bahria town
MSc. (Hons.) Agronomy (Agriculture) 2014 3.76/4 PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi
B.Sc.(Hons) Agronomy (Agriculture) 2011 3.85/4 (82%) PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi
FSc (Pre-Medical) 2006 73 % FBISE.ISLAMABAD
Matriculation 2004 79 % BISE. RWP
Work & Experience
Taught chemistry to grade IX-X students Paper making Timetable making Making academic calendar Weekly Planner making Examination incharge Training to new hired teachers Conduction of examination Conduction of practicals in science lab Maintain record of apparatus in science lab Develop strategies for improvement of results Manage co-curricular activities for students Arrange study tours for students Manage farewell for students
Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department, Ministry of National Food Security and Research, G-9/4 Mauve Area, Islamabad May 2013-May 2014 Performed different seed tests for wheat, legumes, paddy, cotton and other crops to check seed purity, seed germination and seed health according to International Standards in Central Seed Testing Laboratories. Performed moisture determination techniques and seed germination techniques for seed samples of various crops.
National Agricutural Research Center (NARC) Islamabad March 2011-June 2011 Learnt various agronomic practices and crop production techniques Worked in wheat project and practically learnt how to increase wheat yield Field Visits