Maryam Hayat
About Candidate
Classes Taught
Class 9-10 fsc( bio group)
Subjects taught
Maths English Urdu Biology Chemistry Physics Islamiat and
Tutoring rates
Class 9-10 (30k) fsc bio group(35k) class 6-8 (20k) for all subjects
Time Availability
Parents of matric student:It was one of our best decisions to hire miss maryam.Her excellent teaching skills and dedication and consistency towards our kids made our kids best acheivers in class.We are grateful for having miss maryam with us.
My A+ Achieving Strategy
Be consistent towards your goal. Prepare everything in your syllabus dont leave anything on choice. Do complete thorough text reading of book.
Teaching methods
โขweekly tests.ย ย ย ย โขobjective mcqs test.ย ย โขactivity base learning. โขhands on activity
tutor\'s specialty areas
Maths English Urdu Physics Chemistry
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
โขIm consistent towards my students course completion.ย ย ย ย โขI work hard on student weak points and make them easier for them to study.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย โข I take weekly tests and mcqs test.
Suitable Areas
A block rwp F block rwp. E block rwp. 6 road rwp
Certified tutor in accountancy
Work & Experience
9 and 10 class federal board with all subjects