Miss Laraib
About Candidate
Miss Laraib
Classes Taught
Classes Taught
- MDCAT tutor
- O level tutor
- A level tutor
- FSc tutor
- MBBS tutor
- Class 9-10 tutor
- Grade 1-8 Cambridge
Subjects taught
Subjects taught
- Biology
- Microbiology
- Chemistry
Tutoring rates
- 30,000 per class
Time Availability
- After 2 pm
tutor\'s specialty areas
- Sciences
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Miss Laraib Ayesha
Bsc honrs MLT
(Medical laboratory technology)
4 medals
Bronze and silver from University of health sciences
(Did graduation at Fatima memorial college of medicine and dentistry)
Mphil Microbiology
(Abasyn University)
Teaching experience in GC faislabaad campus
And Research associate in (National university of medical sciences)
Have a almost 10 years of clinical as well as academic or teaching experience as home tutor.
I can teach
All science subjects
Federal, Punjab and KPK board
Of 9th 10th (bio sciences plus mathematics)
Fsc part 1 and part 2 ( pre medical)
O levels (O1 and O2) ( All subjects excluding business, accounting)
AS and A2 level ( biology & chemistry)
(Cambridge & Ed excel)
Already teaching
In Islamabad
( G-8, F-10,F-11,F-6, I-8 & satellite town)
Please correlate with my details
If further needed
You can Ask
JazakAllah khair
Suitable Areas
- Islamabad
- F Sectors of Islamabad
- I sectors Islamabad
- G Sectors Islamabad
- Rawalpindi
- Satellite Town Rawalpindi
Last Semester (Final Thesis submitted )
B.Sc (Hons.) Medical Lab Technology 2013-2016 Grade “A” 1313/1700 (77%) University of Health Science Fatima Memorial college of Medicine & Dentistry
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) 2011 Grade “A” 848/1100 (77%) BISE Lahore
Matric 2009 Grade “A” 831/1050 (79%) BISE Lahore
Diploma in Hospital managment 2022 In progress (Online) Health services academy
Work & Experience
⮚ 11 years Experienced medical technologist with Bachelor's degree (Hons.) in Medical Laboratory Technology and mphil in microbiology.