Miss Sehrish Qayyum
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Miss Sehrish Qayyum
Sehrish Qayyum is a dedicated and ambitious educator with a Master’s degree in MSC Botany. Currently employed as a government employee, Sehrish has a passion for teaching and has achieved excellent results through hard work and commitment. Sehrish specializes in teaching a range of subjects, including O Level Science Group, Pre 9th – 9th -10th Science Group, Class 1-8, and A level Chemistry and Biology. With a strong educational background that includes 10th-grade studies in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics, as well as FSc Pre Medical in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Sehrish is well-prepared to guide students to success. Sehrish offers home tutoring services in the Islamabad-Rawalpindi area, focusing on helping students excel in their academic pursuits. If you are seeking an experienced tutor who is passionate about education and has a track record of achieving excellent results, Sehrish Qayyum is an excellent choice. In summary, Sehrish Qayyum is a highly motivated educator with a background in botany and a strong commitment to teaching. With expertise in various subjects, Sehrish is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals.
Classes Taught
- Edexcel
- O level
- A level
- Middle
- Primary
Subjects taught
- Biology,
- Chemistry,
- Science,
- Psychology.
- All subjects upto Grade 8,
Tutoring rates
- 30K -60K per month
Time Availability
- Afternoon and Evening sessions
"Miss Sehrish Qayyum is a dedicated and passionate educator whose commitment to her students' success is truly commendable. With her expertise in Biology and Chemistry, she helped my child, Taha Israr, achieve a distinction in Biology in the IGCSE exams. I highly recommend her to any parent seeking quality tutoring services."
"Choosing Miss Sehrish as a tutor for my daughter, Umaima Khan, was one of the best decisions I've made. Her personalized approach to teaching Biology not only helped my daughter excel in her exams but also fostered a deeper understanding and appreciation for the subject. I cannot thank Miss Sehrish enough for her invaluable support."
"Marwa Zahid's success in achieving an A grade in Matriculation FBISE is a testament to the exceptional teaching skills of Miss Sehrish Qayyum. Her dedication to her students' academic growth and her ability to make learning enjoyable and effective set her apart as a truly outstanding educator."
"Miss Sehrish Qayyum's passion for teaching and her extensive experience in Biology and Chemistry make her the perfect choice for any parent seeking a tutor for their child. Her commitment to excellence and her track record of achieving excellent results speak volumes about her dedication to her students' success."
Distinction in Biology
- Taha Israr got distinction in Biology in Igcse exams.
- Umaima Khan got distinction in Biology in Igcse exams.
- Marwa zahid got A grade in Matriculation FBISE.
Teaching methods
Discussion and Demonstration
tutor\'s specialty areas
Homework Help, Test Prep, Concept Building
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Lecture Based with Objective approach.
Suitable Areas
- F6-F7-F8-F10 Islamabad
EDUCATION: โช MSc in Botany
โช B.Ed. in Leadership and management
Educational Planning and Management
Work & Experience
Currently teaching in Roots Millennium School Islamabad.
1 year teaching experience in Leaps International School as a Biology teacher.
3 years teaching experience in Siddique Public school, Rawalpindi as a Science teacher.
5 years experience as a coordinator in madinat ul ilm foundation
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS: ๏ท Fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English, Urdu. ๏ท Easily manage the administrative affairs in school. ๏ท Expert in making lesson plan. ๏ท Ready to accept the current challenges in teaching methodologies and teaching styles. ๏ท Access in MS WORD, MS EXCEL and MS Power Point.