About Candidate
A proud graduate in chemistry from University of AJk with CGPA 3.67. I have a 3 years experience in home tutoring and 6 months experience in school as a sciences subject teacher.
Classes Taught
6, 7 ,8 also O level and A level
Subjects taught
All subjects upto class 8th. All subjects of O level expect computer science. For A Level only chemistry. Expertise in chemistry physics and biology.
Tutoring rates
Rates depend on gardening level and time availability. Will provide details on demand
Time Availability
From 9am to 5pm
Most of my students lies in A+ some in A and very few in below it.
My A+ Achieving Strategy
I have a strategy to built good relation with student with help them to built an interest in their subjects as a result they will come up with good grades as well as wonderful and long lasting concepts.
Teaching methods
I will make a study schedule for students which don't over burdnised students nor too relax.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Expertise in chemistry, biology and physics.
Suitable Areas
near check Shazad chatta bakhtawar Islamabad
Work & Experience
I joined the read foundation school and college after my HSSC and taught sciences subject to O level students including class 6, 7, 8th. It was a great experience and fruitful time.
I have an experience of home tutoring for 3 years and came up with good results.