MUHAMMAD Azad Hussain

Home tutor
October 30, 1999

About Candidate

One-on-One Instruction:

Home tutors offerย individualized attentionย to students, tailoring their teaching methods to suit each studentโ€™s learning pace and style.
They work closely with students toย improve understandingย of school subjects andย complete assignmentsย effectively.
Subject Expertise:

While home tutors can cover a range of subjects, they oftenย specializeย in specific areas.
Whether itโ€™s mathematics, science, languages, or other subjects, they provideย in-depth knowledgeย to enhance the studentโ€™s grasp.
Curriculum Support:

Home tutors act asย mini-school teachersย within the home environment.
Theyย review classroom topics, assignments, and curriculum materials with the student.
By simplifying complex concepts, they ensure better comprehension.
Academic Guidance:

Beyond subject matter, home tutors teach essentialย study skills.
They guide students onย note-taking strategies, effective test answering techniques, and overall study habits.
Materials and Feedback:

Home tutors create and shareย supplementary teaching materialsย such as study guides, diagrams, and charts.
They interact with students, offeringย academic adviceย and identifying areas for improvement.
Parents receive updates on their childโ€™sย performance and progress.
Homework and Assessment:

Home tutors assist students withย homework, assignments, projects, presentations, and discussions.
They organize, administer, and gradeย tests and assignmentsย to track progress.
Remember, the role of a home tutor is crucial in helping students achieve their academic goals. Their personalized approach fosters a deeper understanding and confidence in learning.

Classes Taught

I have taught 6- BS level students.

Subjects taught

I have experience of teaching computer science, mathematics, English, science, computer courses, programming languages.

Tutoring rates

6-10 k a hoir

Time Availability




  1. Asad(Calculus):
    • โ€œMy tutoring session went very well. I was pleased with all of the tips and personalized information given to help my specific needs.โ€
  2. Ali (math):
    • โ€œGreat tutor!!! Knows his stuff!!โ€
  3. Tayyab (computer science):
    • โ€œI was failing my math class, and we tried this website as a last resort to help figure out questions. Later the next day, I got an A on the test which raised my grade from an F to a B-. Praiseโ€
  4. Shahbaz (English):
    • โ€œI love your services. It helps me so much when I am not able to get help at home with homework. It is also nice when an extra set of eyes is needed to proofread. All of the tutors that I have had are great and are so helpful! This is the best idea for a website.โ€
  5. Khurram (Geometry):
    • โ€œThe tutor was very encouraging and helped me through the entire process step by step!โ€
  6. Alina(Calculus):
    • โ€œFantastic tutor! Very to the point and very smart.โ€

100% Result

My A+ Achieving Strategy


  1. Master the Fundamentals:
    • Solidify your basics: Understand core concepts such as data structures, algorithms, and programming languages.
    • Practice coding: Regularly write code to reinforce your understanding. Solve problems on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codeforces.
  2. Active Learning:
    • Engage with the material: Attend lectures, take notes, and ask questions.
    • Hands-on practice: Implement what you learn by building projects, participating in hackathons, or contributing to open-source projects.
  3. Effective Time Management:
    • Create a study schedule: Allocate time for each topic, including theory, practice, and revision.
    • Consistency matters: Regular short study sessions are more effective than cramming.
  4. Use Quality Resources:
    • Textbooks: Refer to well-regarded textbooks like โ€œIntroduction to Algorithmsโ€ by Cormen et al. or โ€œClean Codeโ€ by Robert C. Martin.
    • Online courses: Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy offer excellent computer science courses.
  5. Practice Problem-Solving:
    • Algorithmic thinking: Solve algorithmic puzzles and challenges.
    • Competitive programming: Participate in coding contests (e.g., ACM ICPC, Google Code Jam).
    • Debugging skills: Learn to identify and fix errors efficiently.
  6. Collaborate and Discuss:
    • Join study groups: Discuss concepts, share knowledge, and learn from peers.
    • Online forums: Participate in communities like Stack Overflow or GitHub discussions.
  7. Stay Updated:
    • Follow tech news: Read blogs, articles, and research papers to stay informed about industry trends.
    • Learn new technologies: Explore areas like machine learning, web development, or cloud computing.
  8. Project Work:
    • Build projects: Create practical applications to apply what youโ€™ve learned.
    • GitHub portfolio: Showcase your projects on GitHub to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.
  9. Test Preparation:
    • Understand exam patterns: Review past papers and understand the format.
    • Practice mock tests: Simulate exam conditions to improve time management.
  10. Seek Help When Needed:
    • Tutoring: If youโ€™re struggling, consider hiring a tutor or seeking help from professors.
    • Online resources: Use platforms like Khan Academy, Codecademy, or Udacity for additional explanations.


Teaching methods
  1. Hands-on Projects: Encourage students to work on practical projects that apply what they've learned. This could be coding exercises, building simple applications, or troubleshooting.
  2. Interactive Learning: Utilize interactive tools, simulations, and coding platforms to engage students actively in the learning process.
  3. Visual Aids: Use diagrams, charts, and animations to explain complex concepts, algorithms, and data structures.
  4. Peer Learning: Foster a collaborative environment where students can learn from each other through group projects, pair programming, and peer code reviews.
  5. Real-World Examples: Connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications and industry examples to demonstrate relevance and spark interest.
  6. Differentiated Instruction: Recognize that students have different learning styles and adapt your teaching methods to accommodate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.
  7. Assessment for Learning: Provide regular feedback and assessments to track student progress and identify areas for improvement.
  8. Problem-Solving Approach: Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills by presenting students with challenging problems and guiding them through the process of finding solutions.
  9. Flipped Classroom: Assign readings, videos, and tutorials for students to review outside of class, allowing class time to be spent on hands-on activities, discussions, and individualized support.
  10. Stay Updated: Continuously update your own skills and knowledge to stay abreast of new technologies, teaching methods, and best practices in computer science education.
tutor\'s specialty areas
  1. Programming Languages: Proficiency in specific programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript, and the ability to teach programming concepts effectively.
  2. Web Development: Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular for building dynamic and interactive web applications.
  3. Database Management: Knowledge of database concepts, SQL, and database management systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.
  4. Software Engineering: Understanding of software development methodologies, version control systems (e.g., Git), and best practices in software design and architecture.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.

Suitable Areas

All over the Islamabad and Rawalpindi.


Bscs 2023
Comsats university

Work & Experience

Misyali science school Mar 2018 - Dec 2019

Subject Mastery and Instruction: Private school teachers are highly skilled in their subject areas. They teach a variety of subjects, including mathematics, science, languages, humanities, and arts. Their goal is to impart knowledge effectively and inspire a love for learning. Curriculum Development: Private school teachers actively participate in curriculum planning. They create engaging lesson plans, design assessments, and select appropriate teaching materials. Their aim is to align instruction with educational standards and the schoolโ€™s philosophy. Classroom Management: Maintaining a positive and respectful classroom environment is crucial. Teachers enforce rules, manage student behavior, and encourage active participation. They foster a sense of community and mutual respect among students. Individualized Support: Private school teachers provide personalized attention to students. They identify individual learning needs, offer extra help, and address academic challenges. Regular feedback helps students improve and succeed. Parent Communication: Teachers collaborate with parents to ensure student progress. They conduct parent-teacher meetings, discuss academic performance, and address concerns. Effective communication strengthens the home-school partnership. Holistic Development: Beyond academics, private school teachers focus on character development. They instill values, ethics, and critical thinking skills. Extracurricular activities, clubs, and mentorship contribute to studentsโ€™ overall growth. Adaptability and Passion: Private school teachers adapt to diverse student needs. They embrace innovative teaching methods, technology, and interdisciplinary approaches. Passion for education drives their commitment to student success. Remember, private school teachers contribute significantly to nurturing well-rounded individuals who excel academically and personally.

Computer science teacher Mar 2023 - Nov 2023
Als dnk
Computer courses instructor May 2023 - Jul 2023
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