Naeem Asghar

Home Tutor
February 12, 2001

About Candidate

I’m currently pursuing my 2nd MBBS at AMC and have found a passion for teaching along the way. I’ve been actively involved in helping Pre-medical and SSC students to teach them Biology, Physics and Chemistry. I can also teach challenging subjects like Physiology, Anatomy, and Biochemistry. Teaching has not only sharpened my communication skills but also deepened my own understanding of these fundamental topics. I believe in creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every student can thrive.

Summarized Profile
  • Headline:ย Pre-Medical Tutor with Medical School Expertise
  • Bio:ย As an MBBS student,ย I offer in-depth tutoring in Biology,ย Chemistry,ย and Physics,ย specializing in MDCAT prep.ย My understanding of advanced topics like Physiology and Anatomy gives pre-medical students a unique advantage.ย I'm dedicated to helping students build a strong foundation for their medical careers
Classes Taught

I specialize in tutoring students across various levels and disciplines. My key areas of expertise include:

  • Pre-Medical Students:ย Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, Anatomy, and Biochemistry. I can provide focused support and guidance in preparation for the MDCAT.
  • FSc Students:ย Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. I help students strengthen their understanding of core concepts and build a foundation for higher-level studies.
  • SSC Students:ย Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and general science subjects. I can assist students in mastering foundational principles and improve their academic performance.
Subjects taught

I offer comprehensive tutoring in the following subjects for O Level, A Level, F.Sc, and 9th and 10th grade students:

  • Physics:ย I provide in-depth instruction on core physics concepts,ย problem-solving strategies,ย and practical applications across all levels.
  • Chemistry:ย I help students master chemical reactions,ย bonding,ย thermodynamics,ย and other fundamental chemistry topics.
  • Biology:ย I cover a wide range of biological principles,ย including cell biology,ย genetics,ย ecology,ย and human anatomy and physiology.
Tutoring rates
  • MDCAT Preparation: Rs. 2ooo-2500 per Hour
  • SSC & F.Sc.ย ( Negotiable):ย Start with a range and be willing to adjust based on student needs and your availability.
Time Availability
  • Days:ย I am available for tutoring on Fridays,ย Saturdays,ย and Sundays.
  • Flexibility:ย Specific session times can be discussed and scheduled based on both student and tutor availability.
  • Lead Time:ย Please contact me in advance to book sessions and ensure I can accommodate your preferred time slots.
My A+ Achieving Strategy
  • Student Assessment:

    • Initial Evaluation:ย Thoroughly understand each student's strengths,ย weaknesses,ย learning styles,ย and goals.ย This might involve short quizzes,ย diagnostic tests,ย or open discussions.
    • Tailored Plans:ย Create individual learning plans that target specific knowledge gaps or areas of improvement.
  • Engaging Instruction:

    • Diverse Methods:ย Use a mix of explanations,ย demonstrations,ย practice problems,ย visuals,ย and real-world examples to keep students engaged.
    • Adaptability:ย Adjust your approach based on how well your student grasps concepts.ย Be ready to re-explain things differently if needed.
    • Interactive Learning:ย Encourage student participation,ย questions,ย and discussions to deepen understanding.
  • Concept Mastery:

    • Focus on Fundamentals:ย Ensure students have a rock-solid grasp of core concepts before moving on to complex topics.
    • Break Down Complexity:ย Simplify complex ideas into smaller,ย digestible steps.
    • Layered Learning:ย Start with simple examples and gradually increase difficulty to build confidence.
  • Positive Environment:

    • Encouragement:ย Celebrate progress,ย big and small,ย to build motivation.
    • Patience & Support:ย Create a comfortable learning space where students feel safe to ask questions and make mistakes.
    • Growth Mindset:ย Help students understand that improvement comes with effort and dedicated practice.
  • Monitoring & Feedback:

    • Regular Check-Ins:ย Use brief quizzes,ย concept checks,ย or informal questions to assess student progress.
    • Actionable Feedback:ย Provide clear feedback on what students are doing well and specific areas for improvement.
    • Flexible Adjustments:ย Be willing to modify your lesson plans or approach based on feedback and student progress.
Teaching methods

1. Direct Instruction:

  • Explanation Focused:ย This is a teacher-centered method where you directly present information,ย concepts,ย and step-by-step instructions to the student.
  • When To Use:ย Best for introducing new topics,ย delivering key concepts,ย and demonstrating procedures.
  • Tips:ย Use clear visuals,ย step-by-step examples,ย and check for understanding frequently.

2. Inquiry-Based Learning:

  • Student Exploration:ย Guide students to discover concepts or answers through investigation,ย questioning,ย and experimentation.
  • When To Use:ย Excellent for developing critical thinking,ย problem-solving,ย and fostering a deeper understanding of scientific principles.
  • Tips:ย Provide thought-provoking questions,ย design hands-on activities,ย and facilitate analysis and discussion.

3. Project-Based Learning:

  • Real-World Application:ย Students tackle a problem or challenge by completing an extended project over time.
  • When To Use:ย Great for developing research,ย collaboration,ย time management skills,ย and linking concepts to real-world scenarios.
  • Tips:ย Provide a compelling challenge,ย offer appropriate guidance,ย and emphasize reflection on the process and outcome.

4. Cooperative Learning:

  • Group Collaboration:ย Students work in small groups on a structured task,ย each with specific roles and responsibilities.
  • When To Use:ย Develops communication,ย teamwork,ย and shared responsibility for learning while catering to diverse learning styles.
  • Tips:ย Assign clear roles,ย provide focused activities,ย and teach group cooperation skills if needed.

5. Differentiated Instruction:

  • Individualized Approach:ย Adjusting content,ย teaching methods,ย or assessments to meet the specific needs of each student.
  • When To Useย Always!ย This overarching approach ensures each student is challenged and supported appropriately.
  • Tips:ย Offer different learning activities,ย provide tiered resources,
tutor\'s specialty areas
  • O Level, A Level, F.Sc, 9th and 10th Grade:ย Physics,ย Chemistry,ย and Biology
Suitable Areas
  • Metro Proximity: "I offer tutoring near metro stations in both Islamabad and Rawalpindi for convenient access."

  • Location Specific: "I'm based at Army Medical College Boys Hostel (Abid Majeed Road, Rawalpindi) and am willing to tutor students within a 10km radius."

  • Flexibility: "In addition to in-person tutoring near my location, I also offer online sessions for students throughout Islamabad and Rawalpindi."


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2nd Year MBBS 2024-Present
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