Nehala Naz
About Candidate
My name is Nehala naz .I did my BS in Botany. I have an home tutoring exercise of 8 years. I want to pursue my service throughout by online tutoring.
Summarized Profile
I did my bachelor's in Botany . I can easily teach to science student. There are not any thing that I can't understand and deliver to my student. I have a confident and easily convey my messages.
Classes Taught
1 to grade 10.
A level science subjects.
Subjects taught
All science subjects till A level . And UpTo grade 10 all subjects including arts , computer and sciences.
Tutoring rates
My all student achieved great grade. Their performance improve. And their parents are satisfied to me.
Time Availability
home tutor.and online both
The feedback of my students and their parents are satisfied. They said thanks to me Allahamdullila.
Teaching methods
I do concentrate on each and every subjects on each topics. I thought to great the environment with a students friendly, Soo they can easily share any hardly and barrier they have to face with me .Soo prepared my Lecture according to it. I used my local language so they can easily understand me.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Bilal town Khana Dak islamabad
Ghouri town
Qulzare quid Rawalpindi
Committee Chowk
Satellite town
Sohan Islamabad
Koral Islamabad
Gulberg green Islamabad
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
First of all I prepared my self for delivering my Lecture. I take test on daily , weekly and monthly . After covered of any one chapter I take grand test. I do concentration on revision.
Suitable Areas
Bilal town Khana Dak islamabad
Ghouri town Islamabad
Koral Islamabad
Gulberg green Islamabad
Committee Chowk Rawalpindi
Qulzare quid Rawalpindi
As to spread knowledge about health in community, by member of UNICEF.
Work & Experience
As a home tutor. To educate the student of society by on door.