About Candidate
I am Computer Science Graduate having experience of 4 years providing tution services to online and in person students. My majors are Maths, Computer Science and Physics.
Summarized Profile
I am Student Ambassador of Microsoft. Delivered different sessions on Git hub and conducted in person sessions and workshops with students as Microsoft Learn Beta Ambassador.
Classes Taught
I had taught students of Matric, Intermediate ICS, Icom, FA and some University Junior Semester Students.
Subjects taught
Computer Science
Tutoring rates
5k pkr per subject per month
30k pkr per month for All subjects.
Time Availability
Mon-Friday (8:00pm-11:00pm) or (12:00am-3:00am
My A+ Achieving Strategy
Well I teach more conceptual rather than theory from slides or booklets. As I am Computer Scientist I train my students with practical implications of their subjects so that they will be well trained for industry or their future careers. Moreover, test will be conducted after every second session to get desire results from my students.
Teaching methods
Well I teach more conceptual rather than theory from slides or booklets. As I am Computer Scientist I train my students with practical implications of their subjects so that they will be well trained for industry or their future careers. Moreover, test will be conducted after every second session to get desire results from my students.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Practical Implications of particular subject.
Best use of technology with modern strategy to teach my students.
Secured 3.65/4.0 CGPA
Work & Experience
I am Student Ambassador of Microsoft. Delivered different sessions on Git hub and conducted in person sessions and workshops with students as Microsoft Learn Beta Ambassador.