Noor ul Huda
About Candidate
Noor ul Huda
Summarized Profile
Currently a medical student working her way through DPT, I have always been teaching students since 2020, I am passionate about making students excell when they are trying their best but aren't able to achieve better.
Classes Taught
I have tutored children belonging to Montessori classes, grade one, two, three, four and five. Along with those students I have taught the children belonging to grade eighth and ninth. ย
Subjects taught
I have taught English, Urdu, Islamic studies, Geography, History, Science to students from Grade one up to five. Also have taught English, Urdu, Islamic studies, Science to grade seven and grade eight students. Along with English and Urdu of ninth level as well. ย
Tutoring rates
800-900Rs per day or monthly payment would range from 25k-30k.
Time Availability
Available in evening from four o'clock to eight o'clock at night.
- The students have always excelled in the subjects taught so far, students who were subpar ended up with high percentage and excellent grade.
- The students who weren't interested in studying started paying more attention to it.
- I ensure an environment best suited for children to concentrate in peace and without any pressure.
- The students didn't feel inferior to other students, they were motivated and diligent.
- Students became more self assured and confident.
- They were more curious and interested in subject being taught.
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My A+ Achieving Strategy
- I have always ensured that students feel seen, heard as well as included.
- Patience is always needed with children be it of any age, I don't believe in the prospect of punishment or strictness. Discipline is a virtue shown and is meant to be learnt. I make sure the students are punctual, excited and in their best behavior for the studies.
- They are given a proper schedule day after day on which chapters to cover, which lessons to be prioritized as well as they are given the opportunity to prepare for their upcoming tests by finishing their pending works on time.
- I focus on their weak spots as well as focus on mending their mistakes so they are able to score better than their previous.
- There is also help in the exams they have previously taken and try to work out problems of past paper as well as there is always a test prepared after every half chapter of full.
- There is repetitive testing, oral as well as written. Including questions which are conceptual as well as from the textbook related.
Teaching methods
- Daily homework is given.
- School work is ensured to be completed.
- Tests both the school as well as given by me are helped inย preparing.
- Exams preparation is done exclusively.
- Students concerns are brought under severe consideration.
- Any query of students or problem in learning any topic is made sure to be sorted
tutor\'s specialty areas
- Tests which are making students anxious are prepared first and foremost.
- Topics or chapters which are difficult for children are taught well along with concepts and visual aids (video, models etc)
- Everyday school diary is checked and completed.
- Homework is given on daily basis but along with some relaxation as not to make students stressed.
- Exam preparation has a separate schedule.
- It is made sure your child's exam preparation is completed a day or two prior to the exam.
- The subjects taught are made very easy for the student to grasp the knowledge.
- School homework is always made to be completed on time.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
I am not a believer in punishment or hard disciplining, students are to be taught with love, care and patience, if any occurrence of disrespect ever occurs the students are taught to listen and be made to be aware of what their response is about. They are seen, heard, listened to and taught. I believe they should be not put under stress or pressure otherwise they would burn themselves out, they are made to be taught in a punctual way ensuring they work their way through their tests, exams, etc.
Suitable Areas
Bahria 7, DHA 2, DHA 3, Zaraj Housing society.