About Candidate
Rafia Aslam is here.I am master in Zoology from Punjab University Lahore main campus .I have 4 years of teaching experience .currently i am preparing for css exam 2024
Classes Taught
9th,10th,1st year and 2 nd year,1-8th class student
Subjects taught
Zoology ,biology,chemistry and math of metric science
Tutoring rates
25k to 40k
Time Availability
Any time for 2-3 hours before 5:30 pm
All of my student got good marks in biology .two of my student got 82 out of 85 in 1 st year in last year and other student got marks in biology above 70 /85
My all students got good marks in previous exam held in 2023
My A+ Achieving Strategy
Detailed lecture ,short oral test on daily base ,weekly written test and monthly test .I also engage student during lecture by pointing out important events for discussion .
Teaching methods
Lecture and test session not only written but also oral ,
tutor\'s specialty areas
G-8,G-9 and G-10
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My method of teaching is delivering lecture by pointing out main events and their explanation and give student opportunity to participate in lecture and give their views about topic.
Suitable Areas
G-8,G-9 and G-10
Master in zoology securing 827/1200
Bachelor in zoology ,botany and chemistry securing 546 /800
Biology,physics and chemistry securing 953/1100
Metric in biology science securing 988/1100 marks