
Professional Home tutor for class 1 to 12
December 14, 2001

About Candidate

I am a professional tutor for biology chemistry and general science from class 1 to 12 and also I can teach all subjects from class 1 to 8. Recently I working as professional tutor in inspire school sanda road Lahore. My teaching methods are simple and easy.

Summarized Profile
Classes Taught

Class 1 to 12

Subjects taught

Biology chemistry and general science from class 1 to 12

All subjects from class 1 to 8

Tutoring rates
  1. 15000 to 30000
Time Availability

From 6pm to 10pm



My A+ Achieving Strategy
  1. simple and easy ways of teaching
  2. Practical examples
Teaching methods
  1. Simple and easy ways of teaching

Easy language

tutor\'s teaching philosophy.


Bachelors degree in zoology 2019-23
University of Agriculture Faisalabad

My degree is completed in 2023. From that time I worked as professional tutor

Work & Experience

The educators leaders campus nns 02-07-23 - 29-10-23
The educators

Working as a professional tutor for biology and chemistry subjects

Professional tutor 01-11-23 - 30-12-23
Hira public high school Nankana sahib

Working as professional tutor for biology chemistry and general science from class 8 to 12

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