About Candidate
As the best teacher, I am deeply passionate about my subject, fostering an environment where curiosity thrives and critical thinking is nurtured. My empathy towards my students drives me to understand their individual needs and cater to diverse learning styles with patience and adaptability. Through inspiring lectures, engaging activities, and unwavering support, I empower my students to excel and reach their fullest potential.
Summarized Profile
- As the best teacher, I am deeply passionate about my subject, fostering an environment where curiosity thrives and critical thinking is nurtured. My empathy towards my students drives me to understand their individual needs and cater to diverse learning styles with patience and adaptability. Through inspiring lectures, engaging activities, and unwavering support, I empower my students to excel and reach their fullest potential.
Classes Taught
Pre 9th
9th and 10th
- First Year and 2nd year junior level's
Subjects taught
- Computer science, information technology, mathematics, and science subjects.c,c++, python,react.js ,etc.
Tutoring rates
20 to 25k depend on class and subjects
Time Availability
11am to 10pm
As the best teacher, I am deeply passionate about my subject, fostering an environment where curiosity thrives and critical thinking is nurtured. My empathy towards my students drives me to understand their individual needs and cater to diverse learning styles with patience and adaptability. Through inspiring lectures, engaging activities, and unwavering support, I empower my students to excel and reach their fullest potential.
- Haseeb ul Hassan got 92% in 9th class.2-M.Abdullah got 89% in 9th class.
3-Hamza Hayat got 88% in 10th class.
My A+ Achieving Strategy
- The perfect teaching style involves clear explaintion, engaging activities and supportive environment.
Teaching methods
The perfect teaching style involves clear explaintion, engaging activities and supportive environment.
tutor\'s specialty areas
- NiBahria Town phase 8,7. DHA 1 Rawalpindi
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
- The perfect teaching style involves clear explaintion, engaging activities and supportive environment.
Suitable Areas
Bahria Town phase 8,7. DHA 1 Rawalpindi
Work & Experience
As the best teacher, I am deeply passionate about my subject, fostering an environment where curiosity thrives and critical thinking is nurtured. My empathy towards my students drives me to understand their individual needs and cater to diverse learning styles with patience and adaptability. Through inspiring lectures, engaging activities, and unwavering support, I empower my students to excel and reach their fullest potential.