About Candidate
Learning is an unstoppable process of life and one should always be in this process to be lively. A teacher is a guide to direct his student on this journey by giving clarity of the vision of a particular subject matter. As a teacher, I am well aware of the demands/requirements of a student’s psychological and mental needs for a certain subject (chemistry). I have been teaching for 5 years from basic to advanced academic level. therefore, it would be a great full of fun, and easy journey for you to learn chemistry with me. I warmly welcome you to join me in the ocean of knowledge. Thank you so much.
Classes Taught
I have been teaching chemistry from basic (matriculation level ) to advanced (BS and BSc level) students for 5 years.
Subjects taught
Tutoring rates
10000 to 20000 per week based on academic level of student.
Time Availability
Available time zones are from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm
Teaching methods
My teaching style is lecture and interactive as well based on student's ease and the demand for certain topics or concepts.
tutor\'s specialty areas
I used to make concepts very simple and easy to understand by students. Tests are based on brainstorming rather than cramming.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My philosophy of teaching is very simple, just to make students interest in a particular subject, that he/ she study the subject for knowledge seeking rather than as a burden.
Suitable Areas
GM abad Faisalabad, Canal road Faisalabad, Madina town Faisalabad
Work & Experience
I joined govt college for women as visiting lecturer for BS classes and fsc classes.
I joined The summit college as chemistry lecturer and have taught FSc and Bsc students for 4 years.