sidder tahir
About Candidate
I have had an experience of 3 years in which I have learned a lot that include understanding the student’s philosophy and mindset and making sure they are relaxed with me
Summarized Profile
I always have been a good teacher and loved teaching students also making sure that they feel comfortable around me and don't hesitate in asking anything.
Classes Taught
Subjects taught
Tutoring rates
10,000 to 25,000
Time Availability
4pm to 7pm
I've always had positive response and feedback form the student and the parents.
I've always been a good teacher making sure my student is relaxed around me.
My A+ Achieving Strategy
Time management.
Teaching methods
Using student aid.
Time management.
Montessori method.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Making a comfortable environment.
Helping the student understand.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Understanding the student's mindset,making sure the student understands everything and making sure the student doesn't hesitates.
Suitable Areas