Adil Latif
About Candidate
I am Adil Latif i did my master in physics having a teaching experience of 5 years.I have good experience of Math and physics up to Bsc level.
Classes Taught
- Class 9th
- Class 10th Classes Lahore board
- Fsc Physics n Math
- Pre O level
- Grade 1-8
Bsc physics Math A
O level physics and math
Subjects taught
- 9th 10th All science subjects
- fsc Math
- Bsc Physics all book plus Math 1
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Science
Tutoring rates
10,000 per book
Time Availability
After 5 pm
Alhamdulillah my students got good grade in my subject
My A+ Achieving Strategy
I only demand for regular and punctual student A plus is not too hard just take classes plus give test regularly
Teaching methods
Chapter reading with daily life example then quiz then a small test to judge the student condition
Suitable Areas
- Lahore
- Johar town
- model town
- cavalry ground
- gulburg
- Cantt
- Muslim Town
I did 951/1100 in my matric results base upon these I received Peef scholarship from govt.
I completed my fsc with Good grade
I completed my bsc (physics math computer ) combination
I did my msc from Punjab university lahore
Work & Experience
I was teaching in different area to different students of different classes like matric fsc
I am teaching to 10th classes there