About Candidate
My name is Amber.I am a tuitor.I teach any subject with honesty and integrity
Summarized Profile
Expert-O-A-Level-Tutor-"Expert online tuitor rawalpindi islamabad for english math science physics "
Classes Taught
My name is Amber.I am a tuitor.
Subjects taught
I teach physics math english science etc subject.I teach any subject with honesty and integrity
Tutoring rates
Fee per month 3000 to 5000 for one child
Time Availability
I am online part time tuitor available 2to3 hours daily 4to6pm
I belong to army family and any other to ask with me
My student Abdul sami achieve goals
My A+ Achieving Strategy
Strategy to achieve A+ grades to learn work with
Teaching methods
Tutional method
Learning method
tutor\'s specialty areas
I teach many subjects physics math science etc I help us in homework and test
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
I am a tutor.I like this profession
Suitable Areas
I am a engineer but part time I am online tutor
Work & Experience
I teach any subject in government school