Zulfiqar Ahmed Khan
About Candidate
I am an AccA(UK) Finalist accountant and a lecturer of AccA and O level Accouting and Alevel Accounting and Business studies.I have over 8 years experience of teaching and working in the industry also as an Auditor,Accounts HR executive.I will be a great asset to ur institution and will try my level best to give best possible results.Thanks. Zulfiqar Ahmed Khan
Summarized Profile
Classes Taught
O and Alevels and AccA(UK)
Subjects taught
Accounting and 10 papers of AccA
Tutoring rates
- 30,000
Time Availability
- Morning plus evening depends.
Teaching methods
tutor\'s specialty areas
Financial Accounting, Financial Reporting, Financial Management, Taxation(UK),Management and Cost Accounting, Business Studies.,Corporate Reporting. My
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My teaching style is to finish the course before the exams take place and do a lot of past papers questions practice with revision due to which my students mostly pass with good marks esp AccA ones.
Suitable Areas
- G11,F11,F10. Online also is preferable.