Amna Kauser
About Candidate
As an educationist, I really find my profession not limiting to excel in teaching but also i help children in a way that they develop a sense of self learning by just following instructions. I love to welcome the children who are the most difficult to handle but at the same time help their parents to understand them how they actually be responding when their children are struggling to catch up subjects when they are not interested in doing it. As an ABA therapist,I teach kids first, show them how to start and end a specific task and then ask them to create their own work.
Summarized Profile
Achieved best Co-ordinator award and my duties included to monitor the planning,arranging events,copy checking, training teachers and best off all I did my tasks with great honesty.
Classes Taught
Classes taught till A levels English and Geography
Subjects taught
English and Geography
Tutoring rates
Tutoring rates vary... it depends on the number of sessions..
Time Availability
Time availability depends on Students availability.
currently unavailable
currently unavailable
My A+ Achieving Strategy
currently unavailable
Teaching methods
Methodology completely based on the child's learning ability. If demanded or needed I discuss my strategies with the parents to ensure their understanding.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Work on creating data according to the assignment requirements.<
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
To simplify things as much needed leaving a little notch that that child could also struggle alongside while learning to understand.
Suitable Areas
online in any part of the world.
I completes my last Diploma as an ABA in 2021 under observation of Dr Christos, who is known to be a behavior Analyst in UK.
Work & Experience
Worked as a Co-ordinator and a trainer.
Worked as a teacher. I have taught science and English.