Sundas Naveed
About Candidate
Miss Sundas Naveed. I have done MA English Literature and Linguistics from NUML. I am a teacher by profession. I have been teaching for past 4 years. I teach 9th and 10th graders. I have 2 years online teaching experience too.
Summarized Profile
This is Sundas Naveed. I have done MA English Literature and Linguistics from NUML. I am a teacher by profession. I have been teaching for past 4 years. I teach 9th and 10th graders. I have 2 years online teaching experience too.
Classes Taught
- Class 9th
- 10th grade
- FSc
- BA-BS English
Subjects taught
- English
- English Grammar
Tutoring rates
- 10000 per session, per class
Time Availability
- 2 Pm onward
- Best tutor in Islamabad
- Best tutor in Rawalpindi
Teaching methods
Online teaching through all platforms like google meet, zoom, skype etc.
tutor\'s specialty areas
- English Grammar
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
- Dedication
- Hardworking
- Sincerity
Suitable Areas
- Peshawar Road
- Rawalpindi Cantt
- Westridge Rawalpindi
Masters in English Literature and Linguistics National University of Modern Languages 3.17 CGPA
Bachelors The University of Punjab 1 st
Intermediate in Arts (FA) Federal Board (FBISE) 2013-15 1st
Matric in Science Federal Board (FBISE) 2011-13 1st
Work & Experience
I teach English to 9th and 10 graders.
Home-online tutor for Class 9 English in Rawalpindi-Islamabad Home-online tutor for Class 10 English in Rawalpindi-Islamabad Home-online tutor for Class FSc English in Rawalpindi-Islamabad Home-online tutor for Class FA English in Rawalpindi-Islamabad Home-online tutor for Class 1-8 in Rawalpindi-Islamabad