About Candidate
I am M phil research scholar from Quaid-e-azam university Islamabad.I have teaching experiance of 4 years as chemistry instructor at different institutes as well as home tutor.I can help you in IGCSE Chemistry 9-1 0971,IGCSE Chemistry 0620,A level Chemistry 9701,O level Chemistry 5070,Class 9,10,11,12 (Chemistry,Physics,Math) especially FBISE.
Classes Taught
IGCSE 0620,IGCSE Chemistry 0971,A level chemistry 9701,O level chemistry 5070,matric ,FSC (pre engg)
Subjects taught
Tutoring rates
30k-40k(IGCSE,A level,O level)/Monthly
Time Availability
6pm-12pm (Mon-Sat)
82% students got A+ in Chemistry in Fsc,Matric
My A+ Achieving Strategy
My student can secure A+ due to my systematic and exams oriented teaching methodology.
tutor\'s specialty areas
I can help in test prep, concept enrichment, scientific models prepration,homework help
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
I have two different teaching philosophy for students according to their nature and intelligence level.For Brilliant students i conduct test weekly and for average students i conduct test after every two days.
Work & Experience
I teach different Chemistry courses like Matric,Fsc.
IGCSE 0620